Daily Journaling Prompts for Anxiety

Journaling is one of my favorite anxiety tips and coping skills to recommend as a counselor who works with anxiety. But why?

Journaling is a habit that, with daily practice, can help you break out of autopilot. We therapists call this the subconscious or “Automatic Negative Thought Patterns" that keeps you stuck. We can remain stuck in autopilot through our negative or anxious thoughts, our habits, our choices, who we choose to hang around or date, etc. 

Key: Autopilot isn't helping you get to where you want to be. When you take up a daily habit of journaling, you:

  • Bring awareness to the ways that you remain in autopilot/stuck.

  • Set a conscious, focused intention to change and grow.

  • Bring awareness to positive thoughts and gratitudes.

  • Begin to see yourself in new and expanding ways.

  • Set small, actionable steps to begin making daily choices towards your future self.

According to Dr. Nicole LePera in “How To Do the Work”, “You can rewire your subconscious through constant repetition until you have established a new program. To create sustained change, our brains need consistent practice - to lay down and strengthen new neurons and connections.” Journaling for even 3-8 minutes per day makes a difference long term on our subconscious mind. 

Get Started

The only things you need to establish a daily journaling ritual are: 

(1) a journal - don't overthink it. Don't let perfectionism set in. Grab an old journal that you've already used before. Buy a new one. But just use something, anything. Some of my clients prefer to use online journals or journaling apps. I know someone who uses Google Drive. I use my planner, in the back notes section. 

(2) your phone timer - I'm going to show you that you only need 3-5 minutes per day to see the benefits of journaling. 

(3) a pen or pencil (unless you're using an online journal tool) - again, don't overthink it. I use a different pen everyday, whatever's nearby. 

What’s Next?

Grab your journal, timer, and pen. Right now. You have the time. Now's better than never. Set your timer right now for 4 minutes (we'll split my 3-5 minute suggestion). Answer the following prompts. These are my suggestions for daily repetition. Use these every single day to get started establishing your journaling ritual. 

Daily Prompts

  • Today I'm practicing … (pick the area where you'd like to see changes)

  • Today I'm grateful for an opportunity to …

  • Today I am … (thought or affirmation)

  • Today I will feel … (choose the new feeling word you'd like to feel)

  • Today I'm stepping into my future self when I …. (choose one new behavior or action)


  • Today I'm practicing … noticing how anxiety feels in my body.

  • Today I'm grateful for an opportunity to … increase my awareness of anxiety & create more calm in my life.

  • Today I am … calm in mind and body.

  • Today I will feel … calm, peace, grounded.

  • Today I'm stepping into my future self when I …. pause and take deep breaths when I notice anxiety settling in my gut/stomach, instead of avoiding.

Will you take me up on the journaling challenge this month?

This blog post was written by Nicole Thaxton, PhD.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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