Shop the Brand. Share the Mission.

It’s 2021, and our team is talking about our vision and mission and refocusing for the year ahead.

We’ve decided to kick off the new year by launching our SHOP and “ATL WELL” logo merch.

Our main vision for the Shop is to help foster a community of wellness and generosity. For 2021, we decided that from our “ATL WELL” merchandise we’ll be donating quarterly to various organizations that we as a team feel drawn to support.

At Atlanta Wellness Collective, we believe that healing, growth, and transformation take place in community. The ultimate goal? A culture that empowers everyone to live life well everyday; unapologetically.

Thank you so much for supporting our story and sharing our mission!
We appreciate you.

Signed, the team at Atlanta Wellness Collective


New Year + Self Care = New You


Breaking Down EMDR for Trauma Therapy