What to Expect During a Therapy Session

For those who have never experienced a therapy session, there is a preconceived expectation as to what it could be like.

These expectations may come from friends or family, how therapy is depicted in movies or tv shows, what Reddit or the internet says, or what we read in books or experienced in a college psychology class. Wherever we derive our expectations from, we have a picture in our mind of what therapy looks like. This makes complete sense! It’s our brain’s attempt to prepare us for a situation that’s new to determine the level of safety and decide if we want to engage it. However, the truth is — much of how therapy is depicted in the media is not accurate. 

What can I expect from a therapy session?  

The first step is to understand what therapy is. Simply put, 90% of therapy is a relationship. This relationship may feel like other relationships in your life, but it’s unique. The therapeutic relationship is one between a client and a professional —whose role is to support, guide, and walk you through past or present struggles in a safe environment. A licensed mental health professional is a trained, nonjudgmental individual who maintains empathy and compassion towards you, and yet has no relationship with you outside of the therapy relationship. Additionally, the relationship is protected by HIPAA and has ethical guidelines.

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What can I expect after I schedule my first therapy session?  

Once your initial appointment is confirmed, expect to complete new client forms. These forms intend to set the expectations for therapy with your provider. Your forms will include a HIPAA notice and policies pertaining to your provider and our practice.

At Atlanta Wellness Collective, we provide your new client forms for you electronically through a Client Portal where you can read over and fill them out at least 24 hours prior to your first appointment. In your initial session, expect to review your new client paperwork and presenting concerns, ask questions regarding the process of counseling, develop treatment goals with your provider, and begin to see if the provider is the right fit for you. Since therapy is relationally focused, it’s important to feel connected, confident, and trusting toward your provider. 

Before your appointment, plan to arrive a few minutes early to ensure you find our office, see if additional forms need to be filled out, and take a moment to center yourself in the lobby. Have a seat and your provider will greet you. If you’re meeting via telehealth, log on early to ensure your technology works. Be sure to have a private, confidential space free of distractions.

ON THE BLOG: Getting the Most Out of Your First Appointment >

What can I expect in my first therapy session?  

For your first few sessions, expect to experience a nonjudgmental, caring, and safe setting to set the foundation for future work towards your treatment goals. Expect an inviting environment with an objective third party who cares for you as you share your life with them in a 45–50 minute session. The time may be spent working on your treatment goals through talk therapy, expressive arts, activities, diagrams drawn on a whiteboard, or other experiential techniques. At the end of the session, you’ll likely discuss treatment frequency and schedule your next appointment.

Atlanta Wellness Collective has a broad spectrum of providers whose focus and techniques differ. We want to find the best fit for you and your needs. We encourage you to read through the bios on our Providers page to begin to see and feel who might be the best fit for you. You can also contact our office for a personal referral.

What should I expect in the following sessions?  

Following the first few sessions, expect to continue the process started in the first session. This likely involves unpacking the reason you sought counseling, continuing to develop and cement treatment goals, and experiencing a safe place to process through those. As you continue in your healing journey, you and your provider will continue to discuss the healing process and your need for continued services, which may involve decreasing the frequency of services based on progress.

Therapy is always available, but it’s also treatment-focused. When the initial goals are completed, there could be a reassessment period to determine if therapy is still desired or needed. Throughout the process, you may go from seeing a provider weekly to bi-weekly or every three weeks to once a month. This frequency is determined by you and your provider throughout the process. Our hope for you is that healing would be experienced, and therapy could be completed, knowing that if things arise in the future the safe place is still here. 

What if I need additional care?

At Atlanta Wellness Collective we operate from a Collaborative Care Model and may recommend other treatments that may be needed. We offer psychiatric care and medication management, emotions focused and trauma-informed massage therapy, nutrition counseling, and life coaching. Our belief is by focusing on treating the whole person — mind, body, and spirit — healing will be experienced. We’d love to connect with you and help you begin your healing journey. You can request an initial appointment online or contact us to determine the best next step for you.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.



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