Our Day with the Bert’s Big Adventure Team

When the Bert’s Big Adventure team reaches out, no matter what they ask, it’s a YES!

Our founders, RJ and Dr. Nicole were honored to spend yesterday with the Bert’s Big Adventure (BBA) and The Bert Show team. Each person — the staff, volunteers, medical team, photogs + videographers, The Bert Show cast — was so genuinely authentic, passionate, FUN, serving and selfless. Their hearts for the BBA families were overflowing, and we left feeling inspired and encouraged. We wish the whole BBA team a magical Disney trip in a few weeks!

Here are a few takeaways from Dr. Nicole (and to see more photos and video of the day, follow over on Instagram @atlwell). We can’t wait to share more from the day.

ONE: be the good

RJ and I were so encouraged that there are actual humans doing selflessly good things for others in our community. If nothing else, this was a huge takeaway from our team workshop and coaching session with the BBA team.

If you’re not familiar with Bert’s Big Adventure, here’s the scoop from their website: Established in 2002 by Bert Weiss, host of the nationally syndicated morning radio show, “The Bert Show”, Bert’s Big Adventure is a nonprofit organization that provides a magical, all-expenses-paid, five-day journey to Walt Disney World for children with chronic and terminal illnesses and their families.

Throughout our time with the BBA team — planning for our workshop, chatting with each person individually when we arrived and before our workshop, during the workshop/coaching session, and even after we ended our time together — their passion for Bert’s Big Adventure and the kids and families they support was so incredibly evident and inspiring. These folks truly, deeply CARE about the work they do, and their work is powerful! The work they do is also filled with challenge and heavy emotions. Despite this, everyone was so kind, thoughtful, positive, encouraging, and vulnerable.

One thing that really stood out to us was that most of the team have been serving with BBA for years, some for decades. Their dedication to serving and “being the good” for the BBA families was inspiring. We were there to encourage their team, yet we left feeling filled up and more encouraged than when we arrived.

TWO: your presence is powerful

One of the main takeaways from our workshop/team coaching session was: “Your presence is powerful.”

This is a statement that RJ shares with our own team of therapists and professional counselors often. Our workshop for the BBA team focused on mindfulness, empowering the team to connect with one another and center themselves mentally, emotionally, relationally, and physically prior to the Disney trip.

As we processed the challenges and wins in preparing for the trip, the team was able to come together to tap into their “why” and prepare mentally and relationally to serve the families with the focus that “showing up” fully present is what matters most for their BBA families and kids.

THREE: we’re meant to be vessels, poured out for good

One member of the BBA team shared that he views himself as a vessel during the trips. This stood out to me so much because we can often attempt to control the outcome of things rather than being open-handed with the outcome.

We put pressure on ourself to perform, provide, produce… create a magical Disney moment. I connected with the idea of “being a vessel” i.e. showing up to be used in whatever way necessary without attempting to control or add pressure on ourself.

A vessel generally refers to a container designed to hold and transport substances. Being a human vessel for good implies embodying open, positive qualities, values, and actions to contribute to the well-being and betterment of others by holding whatever is necessary for others. It also reminds me of the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” As vessels, we fill ourselves up with positive, not for the purpose of hoarding that for ourself, but for the purpose of pouring out positive for the betterment of others.

Final Thoughts

RJ and I are honored and inspired by the amazing people we get the opportunity to meet through our work. Our mission together, and as a company, is simple — to help others live life well. Most days this looks like sitting across from clients in the therapy office. Other days this looks like hanging out with amazing people who are doing amazing things for others in our Atlanta community (and beyond!). Either way, we’re grateful for the opportunity to share wellness and mental health with others.

Thank you so much BBA team for the honor and opportunity to spend the day with you! We’re big fans!

For more information on speaking and workshops for your group, visit: atlwell.com/speaking.

This post was originally published at: https://www.nicolethaxton.com/blog/takeaways-from-our-day-with-the-berts-big-adventure-team

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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