4 Tips for Empty Nesters

The day your child leaves home, whether for college, or other adventures, can bring with it a whirlwind of emotions.

Excitement and pride mixes with sadness and fear. For many parents, the transition to being an empty nester is both a time of freedom and a period of adjustment. It’s natural to feel all of these emotions as you enter this new phase of life. However, there are strategies to help you embrace a new routine and help you navigate this new normal.

Focus on Personal Growth

While there will still be some focus on your child and how their new adventure is going; this is a wonderful time to focus on yourself as well. Less demands at home create space for more personal growth and time for you. Set some new personal goals, create new healthy habits, and invest in your wellbeing. This may include looking into a new career, starting a new healthy eating journey, trying some new meditation techniques, or finding a new hobby. The possibilities are endless.

Strengthen Your Relationships

When the children leave home, the relationships with those still living there will naturally change. This can be a difficult transition for many, and it is important to start working towards strengthening and redefining those relationships. Take this time to reconnect, support each other, and plan new adventures together. Beyond those living in your home, use this time to be more intentional with strengthening friendships and reaching out to make new friends. A good support system is vital during times of transition.

Rekindle Old Passions

With the kids out of the house, you may have more time to explore interests and hobbies that may have taken a backseat. Take this time to create a list of things you would like to try, whether it's painting, cooking, hiking or reading. Set aside time to do activities that bring you joy and comfort.

Maintain Connections with your Children

Even though your child/children are no longer living in your home, it is important to maintain the connection with them. This could include planned visits, phone calls, facetime, old fashioned letters, care packages or a simple text message. Let them know you are thinking of them. This is so important for their health and happiness; as well as yours.

The empty nest phase is a time of transformation and new beginnings. Embrace it with an open heart and a positive mindset. By focusing on your relationship, rediscovering passions, staying connected, and exploring new opportunities, you can turn this transitional period into a fulfilling and exciting chapter of your life. Remember, the empty nest is not an end but a fresh start.

Here at Atlanta Wellness Collective, we want to help. For support, contact us or request an appointment online.

This blog was written by Jenna Elliott.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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