Get to Know Andrew Wallace

How did I get into this career? 

I originally became a social worker to try and create programs that would help people in prisons reintegrate back into their communities, and stay out of prison to become productive members of society. At Kennesaw State University’s graduate social work program I fell in love with clinical social work. All I’ve wanted to do from that point on is to work with individuals and families to better understand their experiences. I feel blessed that on a daily basis I get to make meaningful connections with people and be of service.

What is my favorite thing about counseling?

My favorite part about therapy is the process of deeply trying to understand what another person in front of me is experiencing and help them express it. An experience is such an abstract thing and can be so hard to symbolize. There is no better feeling of having someone struggle to explain what it is like to be them and then get back the “YES! That’s exactly it!”. I’ve often heard from my clients that there is also no better feeling than being heard exactly like this.

What do I like to do when I'm not at Atlanta Wellness Collective?

My biggest hobby is spending time with my wife Katelyn. We try and spend as much time with our family and friends as possible. The main thing I try and squeeze out of life is connection and exploring new experiences. I’m a major book worm, a rock climber, a self proclaimed chef, runner, binge-watcher of many different series, and a loving dog owner.

What do I hope for my clients?

I hope that every one of my clients can have the experience of being accepted just as they are in that moment. I truly believe that every human being has the capacity to realize and become their fullest self and all they need is to be given the space to do so. I hope all of my clients leave feeling, maybe for the first time ever, that someone else finally gets what it is like to be them. There is a lot of beauty in who you are, just the way you are.

Request an appointment with Andrew W. via telehealth or in person at our Marietta office.


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