Family Dinner Conversations Inspired by Pixar's "Inside Out 2"

On the Atlanta Wellness Collective Blog, we often emphasize the importance of quality family time, and what better way to connect than through shared experiences and meaningful conversations? With the release of Pixar's "Inside Out 2," families have a fantastic opportunity to dive into discussions about emotions, relationships, and personal growth. Here are some conversation starters to help you turn your family dinner into an engaging and insightful dialogue inspired by this new movie.

Discussing the New Emotions

Conversation Starter:
In "Inside Out 2," we meet some new emotions. Which new emotion did you find most interesting, and why? How do you think this emotion would affect our own 'Headquarters'?

Why It Matters:
This question encourages family members to reflect on their own emotional experiences and consider how different feelings play a role in their lives. It's a great way to foster emotional intelligence and empathy.

Comparing Old and New Characters

Conversation Starter:
How have the characters from the first "Inside Out" movie changed or grown in the sequel? Do you think you've changed or grown in a similar way since we watched the first movie?

Why It Matters:
This discussion helps children and adults alike recognize personal growth and development. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate each other's achievements and progress over time.

Handling New Challenges

Conversation Starter:
In the movie, Riley faces new challenges as she grows older. What challenges have you faced recently, and how did you handle them? Did any of Riley’s experiences remind you of your own?

Why It Matters:
Sharing personal challenges can be a bonding experience for families. It shows that everyone encounters difficulties and that it's okay to talk about them. This can build a supportive family environment.

Exploring the Role of Memories

Conversation Starter:
Memories play a crucial role in both "Inside Out" movies. Can you share a happy memory that always makes you feel good? What about a memory that makes you feel different emotions, like sadness or anger?

Why It Matters:
Talking about memories helps family members understand the impact of past experiences on present emotions. It also allows for the sharing of cherished moments and the processing of more complex feelings.

Imagining Our Own Headquarters

Conversation Starter:
If you had a control panel like in Riley's Headquarters, what buttons or controls would you want to have for your emotions? How would you use them?

Why It Matters:
This imaginative exercise encourages self-awareness and introspection. It helps family members think about how they manage their emotions and how they might improve their emotional regulation skills.

The Importance of Friendship

Conversation Starter:
Riley’s relationships with her friends are important in the movie. What qualities do you think make a good friend? Can you share a story about a time a friend was there for you or when you were there for a friend?

Why It Matters:
Discussing friendship emphasizes the value of relationships and social support. It also reinforces positive social behaviors and the importance of being a good friend.

Predicting the Future

Conversation Starter:
What do you think might happen in Riley's life after the events of "Inside Out 2"? How do you think she will continue to grow and change?

Why It Matters:
Speculating about the future helps family members think about their own future goals and aspirations. It encourages a forward-thinking mindset and can be a fun way to set personal or family goals.

By using these conversation starters, you can turn your family dinners into a space for meaningful and insightful conversations inspired by "Inside Out 2." These discussions not only deepen family bonds but also promote emotional intelligence and personal growth. So gather around the table, press play on your imagination, and let the conversations flow!

READ MORE: 4 Family Dinner Conversation Ideas >

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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