5 Resources for Parents

At Atlanta Wellness Collective, we know that navigating the path of parenting can be both rewarding and challenging. The work done in the counseling room is only part of a transformative process. To support parents, teens, and kids beyond counseling sessions, we have wonderful resources, comprised of many helpful guides and blog posts for parents, teens, and adults to utilize outside of counseling. Below, is a preview at some of the amazing resources we have for parents.

The Feelings Wheel

The Feelings Wheel is an insightful resource that helps parents and their children identify and articulate their emotions with better clarity. The feelings wheel breaks down broad terms like “happy” or “sad” into more specific terms, like “confident” or “lonely”. The feelings wheel is great for daily check-ins with your child and family, conflict resolution, and emotional literacy development. By integrating the use of the feelings wheel into everyday routines and conversations, you can help to create a supportive and understanding environment.

Find it here.

The Co-Regulation Guide

Our Co-Regulation Guide is a resource that is used to help foster emotional connection and support within families. Co-regulation is used within relationships to help soothe one another’s emotions. Co-regulation is helpful in having supportive interactions, modeling calmness, and creating a safe space for harder conversations. This is not only helpful within parent-child relationships, but also within romantic relationships and close friendships.

Find it here.

Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem

This guide is very helpful to use with children, teens, and adolescents. This outlines some practical strategies you can implement at home that will help to develop a strong sense of self. We believe that fostering a healthy self-esteem can go a long way in emotional and mental health, as well as overall well-being.

Find it here.

How to Improve Your Child’s Focus and Anxiety

Our guide on how to Improve Your Child’s Focus and Anxiety is useful for parents looking to support their child’s ability to concentrate and manage anxiety effectively. A few of the very helpful strategies listed are understanding the source of anxiety, breaking tasks down into more digestible pieces, teaching and modeling mindfulness, and teaching time management – all of which help to make a significant difference in your child’s day-to day.

Find it here.

Guided Imagery for Kids with Anxiety

Guided Imagery for Kids with Anxiety is useful with children experiencing anxiety. Guided imagery is a relaxation technique that creates calming mental images, significantly reducing anxiety in some individuals. This is a powerful and helpful tool to integrate into every day habits and routines. This step-by-step guide is so helpful for parents wanting to practice this with their kids.

Find it here.

Here at Atlanta Wellness Collective, we want to help. For support, contact us or request an appointment online.

This blog post was written by Hannah Jordan, MA, LAPC, NCC.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.


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